Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hey Fam!!‏

This letter wasn't really written for the "friends and family" blog, but it's a beautiful letter and I wanted to share.  (it was also the only letter) I love this boy.  (sniffle sniffle)  Still no pics, that must have been one reallllly bad hair cut he got for free!  hahaha! - Lia

How are you guys doing? Can you believe it, Kyrstin is now a missionary too! Aghh, I love her :) I love you guys too! Haha!
Sorry that I couldn't get an email out to you guys yesterday! I was down in Regensburg, and as soon as we got back we had to go to an appointment! 
Thank you for all the support that you guys have and are giving me, it's really helping push me along. Not gonna lie, I have missed home a ton this week. 
Dad, I've really missed your pep talks that you have always given me. That is something that I have really missed so much out here. The talks where I would just tell you my dreams and aspirations and you would look into my eyes and tell me you knew that I could accomplish anything and that I could conquer the world if I wanted to. I have totally taken those talks and that attitude and support  for granted in my life. Because I grew up being told that I can do  anything, I thought that everyone just had that same attitude. But getting out here and talking to people and working with all these other kids I've really learned that that attitude that you have and have instilled in me will make all the difference in life, just as it has literally made ALL the difference in your own life. As a man thinketh so is he. Thank you for living this example.  I am really finding out who I am out here.  I have to constantly tell myself that anything is possible and really try so hard to gain that confidence 100 % for myself.  It was so easy back at home having you tell me I could do anything and you being there and supporting me.  So yeah, sorry for the ramble.  But thanks dad for working so hard in life and showing me and always letting me know that anything is possible and thanks for teaching me to dream big. You have no idea how much your dream big attitude has shaped me as a person. Don't ever loose that attitude and work ethic. 
Momma, Ive missed how nicely you treated people and were so positive and nice about other people. People can be so mean. And I can honestly say that that is not me. And I owe that in such a large part to you. I grew up with you always there by my side helping me to be nice and look for the good in people. There are times out here when I feel so much pain out here because of the mean attitudes of others, but at least I am able to look in the mirror and feel good about myself because I have not had to stoop down to that level. That peace and happiness that I gain from that is so much greater than any of the emotional hurt is. So thank you so much for teaching me real Christ like love through out my life. Everyone is a child of god and they all have feelings and dreams. Thank you for just teaching me the worth of a human soul. I love you, thank you for everything.
Kowhai, I love you, you are awesome. Thank you for being my best friend growing up. You are so amazing and I am so proud of you and the direction and path you are traveling in life. Keep working hard and being good ol kowhai. You have been such a huge influence for good in my life. I am so proud to call you ma sister. Thank you for being just an awesome good girl. You have no idea how much your example has helped me out in life. You are just such a good person and you are never afraid to stand up for what you know is right. I really hope and I am trying to learn and gain that trait of yours while I am out here. Keep being who you are and doing what you know is right and it will take you so far in life. You are my hero chubs, I hope you know that.
I really hope that you all know that I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. The examples you have been to me and the lessons in life that you have taught me. 
.....Keep the prayers coming my way! Also, send a package?  I haven't gotten one in forever! 
Sorry that there isn't much to share when it comes to the daily grind here in Erlangen. There will be some stuff to tell next week, I will make sure of it!!

I love you guys! 

Love Elder Anderson

Ps. Thank you for taking care of Kyrstin and always being so nice to her and supporting her while I have been gone. I really do love her so much and it means so much to me that you guys have been there for her.

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